
Head — Doctor of Engineering Science, Associate Professor Dmytro Cherniy
Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics, Department of Complex Systems Modelling
The Department of Complex Systems Modeling specializes in mathematical modeling, system analysis and optimization.
ILS Student Laboratory was established at the department.
For students the specialists of the department read normative and special courses in different fields of mathematical modeling, system analysis, optimization, programming.

Department of Complex Systems Modelling



4 professors and doctors of sciences, 6 associate professors, including 1 professor and 5 candidates of sciences



Employees of the department read 39 normative and special courses



The official birthday is July 5, 1969.


Full name: Office Research interests
Assoc. Prof. Dmitry I. Chernii 407 partial differential equations, numerical methods for singular integral equations, numerical technology for vortical flows and evolution processes
Prof. Oleksiy F. Voloshyn 411 theory of decision making, optimization methods, mathematical economics, decision support systems, expert systems, e-education
Prof. Vladimir A. Stoyan 401 mathematical modeling of dynamics of linear distributed space-time processes under incomplete data about their initial boundary value condition, problems of controlling of linear distributed space-time processes' dynamics under incomplete data about their initial boundary value condition, identified methods of linear, pseudo inverse and nonlinear models of distributed space-time processes' dynamics, researching of nonlinear space-time systems' dynamics, software implementation of methods of mathematical modeling of distributed space-time systems' dynamics
Prof. Denys Ya. Khusainov 404 problems of stability, controllability and optimization of dynamic systems, described by differential equations, differential equations and functional-differential equations
Assoc. Prof. Volodymyr V. Pichkur 412 set-valued analysis, differential equations, differential inclusions, practical stability, optimal control
Assoc. Prof. Maryna V. Korobova 408 solving problems of economic and biological processes modeling and optimization, ecological and economic modeling, optimization and balance models of the economics and environment interaction
Assoc. Prof. Victor R. Kulyan 411 mathematical methods for identification systems, simulation of linear and nonlinear processes in the economy, development of methods and algorithms for the evaluation of the adequacy of mathematical models, numerical methods in problems of mathematical modeling, development of new methods of mathematical modeling and their application to problems of financial analysis
Assoc. Prof. Volodymyr T. Matvienko 411 dynamic systems optimal modal control, analysis and optimal synthesis of dynamic systems, discrete systems optimization, information digital processing
Assoc. Prof. Igor I. Kharchenko 411 modeling of dynamics of charged particles in accelerators, development of numerical methods of structural-parametric optimization for non-smooth control systems, numerical methods of undifferentiated optimization, computer graphics, problems of variational calculus, functional analysis
Assoc. Prof. Andriy V. Shatyrko 411 research by application of second Liapunov method in next directions: qualitative analyses, stability, control, optimization of complex dynamical systems, which described in terms of nonlinear differential, difference and functional-differential equations with time-delay argument and neutral type under uncertainty conditions