3. The list of specialties for which admission to postgraduate studies for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics is announced:
• 113 – Applied Mathematics
• 121 – Software Engineering
• 122 – Computer Science
• 124 – System Analysis
4. The composition of subject commissions and the schedule of entrance examinations in the specialty (data are being updated).
Examinations in the specialty will be held in person (in classrooms) with mandatory identification of applicants by identity documents.
7. Distribution of the volumes of the state order for the training of applicants for higher education of the third (educational and scientific) level in the postgraduate study of TSNUK in 2024 (data are being updated) and the decision of the Admission Committee of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (data are being updated).
8. List of published works, articles, conferences. When submitting documents, please provide printed first pages and the following information:
• title of the publication in the original language; full name of the author (and co-authors); number of pages; name of the publisher, number, year, page numbers, number of copyright certificate; name of the specialty in which the work was published; type of publication (article, conference abstracts, monograph).
10. List of documents for admission to postgraduate studies: