Serhii M. Ivanov
Assistant Professor


Position: Assistant Professor
Degree: candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science
Room: 403
Phone: (044)259-05-34
Research interests: Dynamical system modelling and stability investigation; fractal dimension analysis; differential equations on a compact smooth manifold; application of eigenvalues of square matrices; development of fundamentally new models of knowledge representation; decision making under uncertainties; nonlinear dynamics.


1. Yatsenko V. O., Ivanov S.M., Parnowski A., Vlasov D. Guaranteed NARMAX model for the prediction of geomagnetic Dst index. “Journal of Physical Studies”: v. 23, No. 1. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2019. – P. 1901-1 – 1901-5.

2. Ivanov S.N., Yatsenko V.O. Calculation of dimension according to Lyapunov and application for forecasting geomagnetic indices. Mizhnar. science and technology zhur. “System research and information technologies”: No. 3. – K.: NTUU “KPI” “IPSA”, 2018. – P.122-132

3. Ivanov S.M. Some properties of smooth dynamic systems. Formation of innovative potential of world science: collection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA» with Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Theoretical Conference (Vol. 1), November 26, 2021. Tel Aviv, State of Israel: European Scientific Platform. - P. 103-105. DOI 10.36074/scientia-26.11.2021

4.Ivanov S.M., Kostrubina M.S. Parametric identification of the SIR model of the spread of epidemics. XХXVII International Conference PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES (PDMU-2022) November 23 – 25, 2022 р. — Kyiv:Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2022 —P. 53-54

5.Ivanov S.M., Subotina A.H. Prediction of the level of CO2 in Kyiv based on the NARMAX model. XХXVII International Conference PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES (PDMU-2022) November 23 – 25, 2022 р. — Kyiv:Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2022 —P. 55