Eugen V. Ivohin


Position: Professor
Degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science
Title: Associate Professor
Room: 404
Phone: 259-05-34
Research interests: studying the stability of dynamical systems, methods of internal support decision-making and development of implementation of automated information systems using databases.


1. Ivokhin E.V., Naumenko Yu.O. On the formalization of information dissemination processes based on hybrid diffusion models // Problems of management and computer science. – 2018. – No. 4. – pp. 121-128.

2. Ivokhin E.V., Apanasenko D.V. Clustering of a set of composite fuzzy numbers based on sets of scalar and vector levels // Problems of management and computer science. – 2018. - No. 5. – P.136-147.

3. Ivokhin E.V., Adzhubey L.T., Gavrilenko O.V. On the formalization of dynamics in information processes based on heterogeneous one-dimensional diffusion models // Problems of management and computer science. 2019. - No. 1. – P.5-12.