19 Professors and Doctors of Science, 59 Associate Professors
More than 1112 students are studying at the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics
Faculty of Cybernetics was founded on May 19, 1969
Cybernetics Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv was founded on May 6, 1969. Academician of NAS of Ukraine V.M. Glushkov and dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Professor I.I. Liashko were its founders. Almost at once after the establishment, the Faculty of Cybernetics became a major centre of training specialists in the area of applied mathematics and informatics in the Soviet Union.
Nowadays Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics consists of 9 departments: computational mathematics, complex systems modelling, operations research, theoretical cybernetics, theory and technology of programming, mathematical informatics, system analysis and theory of decision-making, applied statistics and intelligent information systems.
For today Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics is the one of the biggest faculties in the University, which provides training of the bachelors, masters and doctoral students.
Mission and Strategy for the Development of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics.
Еducational opportunities, Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics
Еducational opportunities Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
International experience, professional skills and prospects - all this can be easily got after internship in one of the biggest countries in the world. On the wave of eurointegration, Ukrainian students are being gladly accepted on such test.
International professional internship is a remarkable appendix to your resume. Having such experience, it is easy to find good job in Ukraine. Moreover, you will understand how the certain industry works in other country, you could be able to adopt ideas or bring home new start-up.