Dmitry I. Chernii
Associate Professor


Position: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science
Title: Associate Professor
Room: 407
Phone: 259-04-36
Research interests: partial differential equations, numerical methods for singular integral equations, numerical technology for vortical flows and evolution processes


Integral equation
Technology of numerical simulation
Software for ecological and aeration processes
Simulation software


1. A study on mathematical short-term modelling of environmental pollutant transport by sea currents: The Lagrangian approach. (with  O.Kordas, A.Gourjii, and E.Nikiforovich), Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management. – 2017. – Vol.5, N 2. –рp. 87-104. 

2. Algorithms of Discrete Singularities Method of Computational technologies (with   S.O.Dovgiy and S.I.Lyashko), Cybernetics and System Analysis, 2017, №6, pp.147-159.

3. Approximation of Solution of Initial-Boundary Problem with Moving Boundary, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, №2(82), 1997, рр.112-123.

Curriculum Vitae