Oleksandr I. Provotar
Head of the Department of Intelligent Software Systems


Position: Head of the Department of Intelligent Software Systems
Degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science
Title: Professor
Room: 606
Phone: 259-05-11
Research interests: theory of abstract computing structures (category theory), non-classical logics, bioinformatics, programming

Academic awards:

Laureate of M. Ostrovsky's premium in science and technics (1987)
Laureate of V. M. Glushkov's premium (1999)
Laureate of state premium of Ukraine in science and technics (2003).


Theory of Algorithms and Mathemagical Logic
Fuzzy Logics
Actual Issues of Bioinformatics
Non-Classical Logics and their Applications in Software Development


  1. A. I. Chentsov, A. I. Provotar Generalization of Linear Morphisms on N in Topoi // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2005, Volume 41, Issue 5, pp. 688-694.
  2. P. V. Vasilik, A. I. Provotar To the problem of incompleteness of theoretical constructs (illustrated by examples of formalization of some problems of natural sciences) // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2006, Volume 42, Issue 4, pp. 582-586.
  3. P. V. Vasilik, A. I. Provotar On the paralogicality of some logical constructs // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2008, Volume 44, Issue 3, pp. 457-462.
  4. L. Katerynich, A. Provotar Neural networks diagnostics in Homeopath system // Iternational Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge", 2008, Volume 15, Number 1, pp. 89-93.
  5. L. Katerynich, A. Provotar Homeopath: Diagnostic information system // Journal of Mathematics and Applications, 2010, Number 32, pp. 75-84.
  6. A. I. Provotar, A. V. Lapko, A. A. Provotar Fuzzy inference systems and their applications // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2013, Volume 49, Issue 4, pp. 517-525.
  7. D. O. Terletskyi, O. I. Provotar Mathematical foundations for designing and development of intelligent systems of information analysis // Problems in Programming, 2014, Volume 15, Number 2-3, pp. 233-241.
  8. D. O. Terletskyi, A. I. Provotar Object-Oriented Dynamic Networks // International Book Series Information Science and Computing, Book 30: "Computational Models for Business and Engineering Domains", edited by G. Setlak, K. Markov, ITHEA, 2014, 123-136 pp.
  9. D. A. Terletskyi, A. I. Provotar Fuzzy Object-Oriented Dynamic Networks. I // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2015, Volume 51, Issue 1, pp. 34-40.
  10. D. A. Terletskyi, A. I. Provotar Fuzzy Object-Oriented Dynamic Networks. II // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2016, Volume 52, Number 1, pp. 38-45.